
Monday 23 August 2010

Festival Of Quilts Day Out

It was my first visit to the Quilt show and I wasn't disappointed as there was so much to see.
Luckily as I had pre ordered tickets my Mum and I got in fairly quickly, but for those who had to buy a ticket there was a very long queue.
I took quite a few hurried photo's, so these are the less blurred pictures.
I hope the artist's will not mind me sharing their beautiful work as I don't have all their names.

This is The Ground Zero quilt by Lois Jarvis, it places the pictures of 621 individuals who perished at the world trade center.You can read more about this artists work here

A face in Patch work.
This is a sea of bonnets each one hand embroidered with the name and date of the women who were sent away to Australia from the UK on the convict ships.
In some cases they only committed petty crimes, such as stealing bread.
A demonstration area

There was also lots of tempting stalls, so I did buy a few silk fibers and a book on European Quilts!

After all the excitement of the show it was back to my own work and I completed my "Thread Life" painting.


Jensters said...

I went too for the first time and have some pictures on my blog...the quilts where stunning hey and im already looking forward to next

silverpebble said...

Your painting is breathtaking. Just beautiful.

Sharne Gregory said...

I am glad that you enjoyed your first trip to the FOQ. I come home with my head buzzing with ideas.
A lovely stitched piece, where are you going to hang it?

Anonymous said...

Fabulous sketch Kayla coo! I recently read a bit about transportation...women were sent on their first conviction, whereas men were only sent after their 3rd or 4th. This was because they wanted more child bearing women than men in order to increase the local population. Injustice always makes my blood boil.

cardinal arts said...

love your latest painting/sketch -
is that what you are starting on next??

Joke van de Klift said...

Is beautiful what you have made!
I love it.
Lovely greeting,

JP said...

I went for the first time too - the bonnets just took my breath away