
Saturday, 10 July 2010

The Oak

Painting my sketches of the fields that surround me.


Carol said...

Wow amazing! The colours the movement awesome

Acornmoon said...

Another wonderful, energetic drawing worthy of Van Gogh!

shirley said...

Hi Kayla, you have captured such wonderful movement in this picture, and the balance of colour is very good. Congratulations on yet another inspirational work.

ted and bunny said...

The colours in this are beautiful.
Will you now do a stitched version?
When you sketch, do you sketch with a stitched picture in mind, or does they just choose themselves?

Lovely morning here; raining lightly in the night

Jensters said...

Wow such wonderful work....was just reading about you in the stitch mag and thought i would check your blog out.

mimilove forever said...

Your work just blooms and grows (starting to sound like summin' out of Sound of Music now!)...but just stunning missus xx

Cathy Cullis said...

beautiful work, your attention to natural detail is lovely - and use of colour is very uplifting....

Alexandra said...

Beautiful painting. Hope you have had a lovely weekend xx

cardinal arts said...

your painting is so is your stitching! thanks for sharing your progress......looks great!!

Caterina Giglio said...


cardinal arts said...

thanks for the comment on my blog-hope your stitching and sketching are going well

Joke van de Klift said...

In één woord schitterend.
Is het geschilderd aquarell of geborduurd?
Zelf schilder ik, aquarel en acryl-olie verf.
Lieve groet,

Anonymous said...

Been enjoying browsing your blog. Facinating to see the paintings transformed into stitch without losing any of the original spontaneity and freshness. I would think vey difficult to acheive but you do!

A time to dance said...

I have just been enjoying your work and your last few are so very talented thanks for sharing...H

Michael said...

This is an incredible painting, Layla!! wht is so intersting to note too how your style even comes out in your thread stiching pics. how on earth do you do that? You are one incredibly talented woman.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful painting. I really liked your pen drawing of this tree as well.

cardinal arts said...

beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!