Well it's taken me quite a while to get on the computer as we have been so busy since we got back from our holidays.
Look at my messy desk again!
The vintage embroidery I found in a small shop in Bude.
I could not resist it, it's so beautifully stitched, I had to give it a home amongst my threads.
As promised a couple of quick sketches I made on holiday which I may paint and then progress to thread and fiber.
So lots to keep me busy again and I still have new items to add to etsy!
Hope you have a good week.x
I love the sketches. They look like Cornwall to me.
The sketches are wonderful Kayla...so free and full of movement and colour. They'll make fabulous stitchings! It sounds and looks as if you had a good and productive summer break.x
Nice sketches! I love the first one especially, nice choice of colors!
Gorgeous sketches, hope you have a great week x x
You are an inspiration M. x
Good Day, Oh, what wonderful things you found on your holiday. Your sketching are truly lovely. The British Home and garden photo found in back of your vintage finding is just truly beautiful. Did you create this??????? Hugs Judy
Beautiful sketches. I can't wait to see what you come up with using thread. Have fun! Happy sewing.
The sketch at the top is wonderful. I can just imagine you walking over the brow of the hill to that stunning view
lovely work lovely threads
went home and found you in Green Mag...fun article...congrats for that too.
You were in my dream last night. You were "published" in a book with a green cover (like a ladybird book). I woke up not knowing if it was a dream or real. Very strange! Maybe it was to do with the last comment "green mag"
You have enviable ability to convey the atmosphere of a place with your sketches.
hello, found you via CJ Stitching and Blooms. Really like your art work and embroidery is so free. I lived in Rugby before moving to Cornwall so the Warwickshire countryside made me go ahhh! The autumn leaves are not as colourful here so I appreciate them all the more when I go up country.
Take Care from Carol.
please can I come and tidy your threads for you, I find it so relaxing just sitting, winding. Beautiful drawings as ever.
Love that top sketch. Love it! It has such movement. Don't tidy your desk..... it's good to know I am not the only untidy worker!
Just to say, I bought Stitch magazine today because I spotted your tree on the front and recognised your work immediately! Loved your article, but what a shame there was no mention of your blog!
You've got some serious stitching to do madam...can't wait to see!! x;0)
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